Midstory at The Evans: Life with a Chef
My favorite thing about my job is the stories I get to hear, and even watch unfold. People don’t want to just take photos to hang on the wall. They want to capture the season that they are in, in the middle of their story. I get to help put pictures to a chapter in their life. What an honor?! Some photographers create a story. They create scenes and fit the people into it. There is absolute beauty in that, no doubt. I respect that approach, however, I prefer to give a little guidance, but let folks “do their thing” and stand back and capture it.
The handful of times I have had plants successfully grow in my home is when I put them in the environment that best suited them, tended to their basic needs and then just kind of let them be. I follow their lead. If they look a little dry, I pour some water. If they have a sun-devoid droop to them, I move them a little closer to the window. Once I help them along a little, they tend to thrive best and be most beautiful without me over-coaching them. That may be a terrible analogy, but in my opinion, good photos kind of work similarly. Over-posed photos look exactly like what they are, unauthentic.
The best way to get genuine moments of joy, tenderness, excitement and so on, is to bring people there in the session. Put them in a comfortable environment (what better place than their home), tend to their basic needs and just let them be. If people don’t love talking about themselves, they love talking about who or what they love. Mamas love talking about their babies. Athletes love talking about their sport. A man in love can’t resist holding back a smile if you make him describe what he adores about his partner. A chef can’t help but get comfy if he starts making pasta in his kitchen. This last point brings us to the story of The Evans.
Hunter, Mary Kathryn and Lexi, the goodest girl, Evans.
The Evans wanted me to come photograph them in their home to snap this season of life they are in. I had never met them before, although we do have a few mutual friends, and if you are a resident anywhere near Jackson, MS, you have heard of Hunter Evans. The guy can cook and the folks of Mississippi love some good food. We are going to do a simple Q&A format for simplicity-sake, so grab your drink of choice, get cozy and let me introduce this fine power couple, Hunter and Mary Kathryn Evans.
Ladies first, of course, let’s start with Mary Kathryn. I know many may be more curious about a chef’s life, but I was so curious about what it is like being married to a chef and how to be so supportive of such a big dream. Plus, she was just a major delight and kind of mysterioso with her tattoos, major brains and spunky spirit.
Mary Kathryn being all cute and collected.
Q: Where are you from?
A: Brandon (for those of you who are unfamiliar with the geography of Mississippi, it’s a suburb of Jackson)
Q: What is your profession and what are your hobbies?
A: I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Mississippi College. I love reading, yoga and playing with our dog.
Q: Is it difficult to roll with Hunter's non-conventional work hours?
A: I am thankful to have known this would be our life from the time we met. I knew it would be hard at times but being married to Hunter makes it totally worth it.
Q: What do you like to do in the hours between when you get off of work and when he comes home late in the evening?
A: It’s taken some time to find my groove, and I’m sure I’ll have to find it again when Elvie’s opens. It usually looks like sitting down at the beginning of the week and asking myself how much alone time I need and reaching out to friends to fill in the gaps. I may go to a yoga class after work, grab dinner with a friend or simply look forward to coming home to a good book, a glass of wine and our labradoodle, Lexi.
Q: How did you get into yoga?
A: I’ve never really been into exercise but yoga appealed to me because I knew it would better my relationship with my body and my mental health. I fell in love with getting stronger physically and mentally and ended up doing a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training because of it!
Q: You mentioned during our shoot that, unlike most couples who catch up over dinner, you guys catch up out on the back porch over a drink. What are y'alls go-to drinks to catch up over?
A: Whiskey neat for Hunter (lately, it’s been a negroni) and a glass of red wine for me. I’m a big fan of Bota Box Pinot Noir. :)
Q: Were you nervous the first time you cooked for Hunter?
A: I don’t cook (for Hunter or otherwise) often. I actually don’t have a memory of the first time I cooked for him. Oops!
Q: Generally, what is it like to be a chef's wife?
A: It’s exciting, draining, fun & not as glamorous as you may think. I’ve gotten to eat some really tasty food and travel to some great places because of Hunter’s career but the everyday can mean dinner alone six nights a week and going to bed with just your dog.
Q: Chef's have kind of a reputation for being emotional, dramatic, self-absorbed, diva-ish (among other positive things, too haha).. Do you agree or would you say Hunter is an outlier?
A: It does seem like a lot of Chefs can be pretty temperamental at times and maybe even obsessive over their work. Hunter is absolutely an outlier in this. He is humble, kind and able to hold his tongue. He leads by example and expects those around him to work as hard as he does.
Q: What is your favorite dish that Hunter makes at home? In a restaurant? On the future Elvie's menu (if that's sharable, totally fine if not)?
A: Friends who knew me before I met Hunter know how picky of an eater I was. Really, I was just scared to try! Being with Hunter has given me the confidence to try nearly anything. All that to say, I am most excited about beef tartare being on the Elvie’s menu. A little raw meat with some toasted bread. Who am I?!
Q: Do you like to eat at the restaurant where he is working sometimes or do you prefer to just let him cook for you at home?
A: Both are fun. Being at home with Hunter I am the most impressed by his ability to look into our fridge and create something incredible out of nothing. Well, my version of “nothing.” Being in the restaurant where Hunter works I get to be reminded of how much others enjoy his food, too!
Q: Have you enjoyed the process of Elvie's coming together?
A: There have been times where I have really enjoyed it and times when I really would rather not think about it. I’ve tried to give myself grace in knowing I can both support Hunter in his dream and have my own experience and emotions about it.
Q: How do you feel like you have been involved?
A: Hunter has been so kind to ask my thoughts and opinions throughout the process. He asks me less about design and decor and more of the relational, process-oriented questions. This makes sense considering my career and considering that Hunter is the creative in our marriage!
Q: What has been the hardest part about it for you?
A: The unknown. I have faith that God will give Hunter & I what we need to adapt for this upcoming season but not knowing what it’s going to look like drives me nuts!
Q: What are your biggest hopes and dreams for yourself? For Hunter?
A: I hope and dream that we can find balance in our career and family that supports each other and meets our own wants and needs. Hunter is a dreamer and he’s taught me to be one, too. I have no idea how all those things come together to create a meaningful and God-honoring life, but I’m hopeful it will.
Q: What's your enneagram type?
A: Type 1w2, Hunter is a 3 with equally balanced wings (in my opinion)
Q: Hunter's best qualities? Not so endearing ones?
A: Hunter is so very go with the flow, until he’s not. Agreeing on art and decor for our home was a struggle until we found a rhythm that worked for us both (and takes tinkering with from time to time). Hunter is thoughtful, considerate and adaptable. What has helped me the most in supporting Hunter’s career is knowing that at the end of the day, he’ll always come home to me. Our home is the landing place and the launching pad for our dreams, our ministry and our family.
So, there is obviously a whole lot more to MK, but I resisted asking anymore questions. Now, let’s meet Hunter!
You know you can trust a chef who raises his own chickens.
Q:Where did you attend culinary school?
A: Culinary Institute of America (CIA) in Hyde Park, NY.
Q: When did you realize you wanted to be a chef?
A: I committed to Flagler University in St Augustine, FL during my senior year of high school. When I realized I wanted to be a chef the summer after my senior year, I enrolled at Ole Miss to pursue their Hospitality Management degree instead.
Q: What would you have done if not a chef?
A: Growing up I wanted to be a doctor, then later in junior high or so I thought I wanted to pursue Youth Ministry / Religion (why I committed to Flagler College)
Q: Do you think your cooking is what won Mary Kathryn over?
A: Ha, definitely not. I probably didn’t really cook for her until I moved home from New York in May of 2015. We dated long distance so I didn’t really have the chance to cook for her. Nobody’s food is good enough to get married over.
Q: What chefs or restaurants inspire you?
A: Eric Ripert (approach to ingredients), Danny Meyer (the power of hospitality), Sean Brock (the preservation of southern foodways), Jodi Williams (design and atmosphere of places), old spiral bound southern cookbooks passed down.
Q: What is your favorite type of food? Your absolute favorite dish?
A: This is hard. I probably love eating Asian food the most. It’s a cuisine with so many flavorings and techniques that I am not familiar. It’s fun to eat stuff you can’t cook well.
Favorite dish: toss up between a summer BLT or soup dumplings.
Q: What is your favorite thing to cook?
A: This is a hard question, too! My favorite way to cook is to go to a farmers market or directly to the farm, talk to the farmers about what they have and are excited about and go from there. It forces me to cook with curiosity, creativity and what’s fresh, which is exciting for me.
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Reading old cookbooks from the south. I love being outside whether it’s walking our dog Lexi, or hunting. I love watching movies and experiencing another viewpoint / world and story, I want the guests that come to Elvie’s to be able to experience the story we are trying to tell.
Q: Where did you take Mary Kathryn on your first date? (Clearly I should have asked MK to get juicier details)
A: Pearl and Ash, NYC.
Q: Tell us about your business partner, Cody McCain.
A: Cody is a great business partner for me. He is very familiar with computers, excel, and all the things I am not great with. He loves being outdoors, hiking and camping. We both share a passion for good food, supporting those that grow good food, and eating good food. He is younger than me but more mature. He is level-headed and persistent in things we believe in as a restaurant. I have a crazy idea, rope him into it and he can ask questions and methodically figure out how we can make it work. And he knows how to work a camera, hence our beautiful social media pictures.
Q: Is Mary Kathryn a good cook? What is your favorite thing she makes?
A: She could be a great cook if she wanted. I think the kitchen is a little daunting for her. She can make fresh pasta from scratch and she can bake really well! My favorite thing she makes might be her cheesecake every Thanksgiving.
Q: What is yall's "thing"?
A: Making fresh pasta at home. Going to Asheville, NC every fall. Riding in a Mardi Gras parade every year. Playing cards in public.
Q: Tell us about Elvie's - inspiration, what you will serve, your big picture vision and goals..
A: Elvie’s is named after my grandmother. Its inspired by lots of things. It’s inspired by the trips we took growing up to visit her in New Orleans. It’s inspired by the old classic restaurants of New Orleans: Commanders, Galatoires, Antoines, Arnauds, The Napoleon House etc. It’s inspired by the French influence on the cuisine of the south. It’s inspired by all the farmers or Mississippi and the amazing products we will serve. It’s inspired by trips to Europe and their approach to good food and drink. Our menu will be all of those things combined: a New Orleans bistro that leans towards french classics using local southern products. Duck Confit Cassoulet, Beef Tartare, French Fries, espresso, great cocktails as well as breakfast are all things to look forward to. My big picture goal is to create a staff and culture that is welcoming and nurturing.
Q: How thankful are you for your supportive, patient wife ;) ?
A: So thankful, I don’t know where I would be in this industry without Mary Kathryn. It’s a hard industry to work in, let alone have a healthy life outside of it. Mary Kathryn has pushed me to pursue things I want and value which has helped me to grow and pursue the dream of Elvie’s.
Q: How do you unwind after work?
A: When we are up for it, we will sit on our back porch and catch up with a drink. Sometimes a show like The Office is a good way to unwind.
Q: Do you watch cooking shows? If so, which ones are actually good and which do you think are garbage?
A: I don’t watch cooking shows outside of The Mind of a Chef and Chef’s Table.
Q: Do you like to listen to music while you cook?
A: Love listening to Al Green in the kitchen.
Q: Best brand of knives?
A: I like and use Shun primarily. There are so many out there. I’ve started to collect and use different brands occasionally.
Q: Favorite flavor combination? (sweet combo and savory combo)
A: Salted Caramel.
Fat and Acid i.e. hot dog and mustard
Q: MK's best qualities? Not so endearing ones?
A: Her support. Her ability to be really honest with me (and friends). She’s good at having the hard and
necessary conversations.
Not so endearing: back seat driving.
And there is a bit on Hunter! Make sure you come check out his new restaurant that is opening VERY soon in the Belhaven area of Jackson, MS! We aren’t done with these two yet, but here are some shots from their session, and then I had a few more questions for them collectively.
Q: Why are you guys in Jackson?
A: We played around with the idea of moving when we first got married but slowly we formed community we enjoyed, we bought a home in a neighborhood we love and career opportunities found us. Jackson has an incredible community of people who love the city and we wanted to be part of that team.
Q: How did you meet? When did you know you luvved each other?
A: We met through small group at Fondren Church in the Fall of 2012. We didn’t start dating until the Fall of 2013 when Hunter was in New York for Culinary School and I lived in North Carolina working full time for a summer camp. Hunter told me he loved me Fall of 2014 when I moved back to Jackson for graduate school, and shortly after this we started planning his move home.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Jackson or Belhaven specifically?
A: Belhaven has an incredible history and community. We have enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with neighbors who we may not have met otherwise. In addition to this, a lot of our friends who love and support Jackson live in the neighborhood as well.
Q: Since Elvie's isn't open yet, what are your go-to eateries and bars around town?
A: Our go-to places for dinner are Keifers (a Belhaven staple) and Edo. When we want a nice cocktail, we’ll head to the Apothecary and for a late night beer we go to Fenians.
Q: Are there any places you loved that aren't around anymore?
A: The original Stamps, The Cherokee, Swensons, Bills Greek Tavern (Hunter) and the Beverage Emporium in Fondren (Mary Kathryn). Bill’s Greek Tavern was our first date in Jackson!
Q: Favorite ways to spend time together?
A; We love to stay home playing cards or take a deck to a restaurant for happy hour. We also enjoy making pasta together.
Q: Favorite ways to spend time with friends?
A: Hosting in our home. We hosted a friendsgiving brunch during the holidays. Running out of seats is the best problem to have. We also enjoy traveling with friends. Recently, we took a trip to NYC with another couple and a few years ago we traveled to Austin, TX with our best friends who live in Belhaven, too!
Q: What city in the US do you think has the best food? Ok, besides NOLA..
A: New York City! You can find anything in New York, and odds are it’s done really well. Also, chinatown in any major city.
I am forever grateful for all of my clients for entrusting me with their memories and their stories. Thank you to the Evans for the opportunity to photograph them, for telling me their story and for what I think, may be the beginning of a new friendship. I look forward to sharing more stories of the wonderful people of Mississippi.
And hey, don’t forget to check out Elvie’s!